May 20, 2024

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ramen and cheese with bratwurst

Ramen and Cheese With Bratwurst

Chef Ej presents a fantastic ramen and cheese with bratwurst recipe that the whole family will enjoy. It is a take on mac & cheese with hot dogs.

Chef Ej presents a fantastic macaroni ramen and cheese recipe that includes bratwurst for the whole family to enjoy.

Everyone out there has experienced mac and cheese with hot dogs, but this takes that to the next level.

Here is what you’ll need to make Ramen and cheese with bratwurst

2 bags of Creamy Chicken flavored Ramen noodles

2 Bratwursts

1 small red onion

1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

2 tablespoons of butter

Dash of Garlic powder

A dash of ground pepper

Dash of Mustard powder

2 qt saucepan

Small cast-iron frying pan

Canola oil


In a small cast-iron frying pan, get those 2 bratwursts going first. Poke each side of the brats with a fork so they don’t burst while cooking. I poke one fork high and one fork low in each brat.

Drizzle canola oil in a hot cast-iron pan, add sliced onions and the 2 brats whole. Let brats brown while the onions start to become caramelized and after 5 minutes drop in a half of a cup of water to the pan. Cover and let simmer for about 10 minutes.

In 2 quart pot fill half-way with water and let come to a boil. Cook ramen noodles for 4 minutes (Not 3 minutes as commonly recommended) and drain when done.

To the noodles add 2 tablespoons of butter and a 1/2 cup of grated cheddar cheese. Stir and add both creamy chicken ramen flavored packets, garlic powder, pepper, mustard powder, and the caramelized onions. Slice brats in bit-size portions and add to complete the meal.

It’s basically macaroni and cheese with brats but we used Ramen noodles to replace the heaviness of the pasta.

That is yum in a bowl and won’t break the ban or take up a ton of your time. Enjoy, Mangia and enjoy more Ramen recipes from Chef Ej!

You can find all 5 of the Ramen recipes HERE at the pub that Ej is dishing out.

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